For those of you who may be new to this club, I think it is worth the time to remember one of the most loyal stalwarts that the Gurnay has ever had – the late Mr. Hal Conn, of Florida. It was Hal that answered all my silly questions – pointed me to some available Gurnay – and asked for dues so I could get the Newsletter. I never looked back. The late, great American Gurnay man himself!!

Well, the Club finally heard from a few of you and it was all the same tune – no Futurity desired this year, so – instead of sending a few birds myself, I’ll hold them back to either race in my Homer Club or move them on to members who need a couple pair to get started. For those trying to contact me – my number is the same: 817 586.6509 I prefer to text – not talk on the phone, or you can e-mail me – same old e-mail: gotoshamo@yahoo.com I want to thank Donny for offering up his place again for the Futurity, since no one else did. I am planning on hosting the 2023 Futurity here in East Texas but I will be very frank with all of you – unless I get at least 24 YB’s to put up, I doubt I am going to put up with all that work and associated expense. More to follow – but I will expect Futurity Bonds pre-sold by 1 April 2023 to be my go/no go decision point. You’ve been forewarned – start saving your pennies now so you can buy Bonds. News from President Alan Dyar follows. David

