From The Moist Atmosphere Of Our President!! Team Gurnay

 – I was flying a team of old birds. Everyone is a late hatch. Started with 46 and ended up with 18. I culled several, the hawks got 6 that I know of (I found parts in the yard and in the neighborhood) and I lost a few in the races. I flew in the SWWR Club. I was in the middle of the sheet for the most part. I didn't pay attention to the combine yet. Next year I will have a better chance, I figure I will have a better season because I will vaccinate and treat for the common diseases early. I generally cull sick birds BUT my birds have not been exposed to the common diseases found up here. I want to thank Dr Chen, Tim Farr, and Glen Steelhammer for their help getting me through this mess. I never have had sick birds like this so it is a learning experience and one I do not want to repeat. So I look forward to the Young bird season. 

The Gurnays do have the homing instinct and once I change my training to fly with other fliers I will be able to judge the better. Have a great summer 

Yours in Sport 


GURNAY bands. I have AU and IF bands. They are .75 cents a band, and it will be first come, first served. 

 2022 GURNAY USA CLUB dues. $20.00 a year. RAY – Here, you go! Send $ to Rainier 

We are going to re-affiliate formally with the AU. 


RACING PIGEON DIGEST. The article in the RPD helped generate some interest – and new members. Still asking those of you with Gurnay, to provide me something that I can incorporate into future articles. As I said before, if you are flying your Gurnay with your club, I want to hear about it. I don’t care if they’re topping the winner’s list or not – the fact that we have Gurnay actively competing is worth sharing. 

If you know someone who might be interested in joining this club – and getting involved with the Gurnay – please let me know, share this Newsletter, and welcome them to join. The price is small – the rewards are great. 

Alan & Carol Dyar 

504 Karen Court SE 

Rainier, WA 98576 

530 598-6245 

AU or IF Bands - .75 cents apiece. Please include an extra $1.00 for mailing.

