28291 AU 2016

owner: band: 28291 AU 2016

This stud of Hansenne have been together and kept pure for over fifty years. These birds have been imported from David McCallion to Johnny Marshall and imported from Ed Clayton to Ronald Dennis. Then blended into the family they are today. Bloodlines from Irish Legacy, Blue Bonnet, Dark Princess, and many more. These birds have great feathers and eyes. They carry so much class. One would be very proud to have any one of these birds as we have been over these years. Here at ClayHaven Farms we are the longest loft in the South and West Combine. Having won Champion Bird, Champion Loft, Average Speed, Bird of the Year, and the GI Joe Award from the AU. The honesty and integrity of this bloodline has carried through many winning lofts through generations. And we are still flying so many yards per minute today!

Additional Information

Pedigree for 28291 AU 2016

