AU 10 JEM 717

owner: n/a band: AU 10 JEM 717

Alias " 600 Mile Hen"

This hen has won 3 diplomas for me in 2 seasons of flying, plus she flew 600 miles as a yearling, one of the worse 600 we ever had here, 15=25 mph east winds, 106 temperature, no day birds.  I kept one of her daughters for stock, she inturn produced a good daughter that I bred to 445, their 2nd nest of eggs had a 600 mile winner #4956.

Additional Information

Color: Chocklate Checker Dam: IF 06 HOO 1101 Sire: AU 06 SWK 6672 Markings: Checker Year: 2010

Pedigree for AU 10 JEM 717

