Why Do Pigeons Abandon Their Eggs?

Though pigeons are unlikely to abandon their eggs, they only abandon their eggs for some reason. If you have seen a pigeon incubating eggs, you would probably argue and won’t accept that they will abandon their eggs as every egg is a baby for the mother and she won’t compromise it in any way except a few reasons.

As typically pigeons only leave when the incubation period has finished, they won’t leave in between this process. Or they may also abandon the eggs if the eggs didn’t hatch after the incubation process, it will abandon the eggs. But these are the usual cases which you might know about. Other than these, there are probably some cases which pigeons abandon their eggs.

  • Moving the eggs or nest – If a pigeon lays eggs and you move the nest maybe from one cage or another or even inside the cage, pigeons may abandon their nest and the eggs no matter what.
  • Scared of something – If you disturb the pigeon more or less by touching the eggs or touching the pigeon and is scared of you, your voice, or anything else, it will probably leave the eggs alone.
  • Partner dying – If the pigeon or the partner dies, chances are the pigeon will abandon the eggs.
  • Due to predators – If a pigeon spots a predator even if its in the cage, it may abandon the nest with eggs both.

