What is it Like to Keep a Pigeon as a Pet?

The Bizarre and True Story of Mike Tyson and his Pet Pigeons twoIt’s not uncommon to hear of people keeping birds as pets. Parakeets, parrots, budgies, and cockatiels are popular pets and provide as much love and companionship as any other animal.

But pigeons? Pigeons are everywhere and as such, it is easy to forget that they can make excellent companions.

They might not have flashy plumage or bright colors like some other birds, but they are highly intelligent animals that are able to do things like recognize patterns, learn routes, and express affection for their keepers.

They are medium maintenance pets that require daily care to keep them healthy and happy.

This may surprise you, but after pigeons adapt to you, they may even eat straight from your hand, allowing them to hold and them!

