" The Origin of the Sion Strain"


Mons. Robert Sion of Mouvaux, France is the son of the late Mons. Paul Sion of Tourcoing, France who founded the original Sion Strain of racing pigeons in 1900.  Paul Sion died in 1947.  The son "Robert" has bred the strain of his father for forty-two years and has obtained success equal to that of his father.

The old Paul Sion strain was founded on 26 youngsters secured direct from Mons. Chas.  Wegge of Lierre, Belgium.  Mons. M. Dugniol of Paris was a great friend of Paul Sion and possessed a silver (grey) male ticked with much black, indeed a great champion for a number of years.  The silver was named "Le Madrigal" and was of the strain from Mos. Kikkens of Antwerp, Belgium.  Paul sent a Smokey Blue female to Mons. Dugniol as a mate for "Le Madrigal".  This smoky blue was bred from the young pigeons bought from Mons. Chas. Wegge and was a daughter of the BEST pigeon of this group called "Le Rouge Vekemans.

