Small Pupil

If we assess the eye we can’t ignore the fact that a small pupil is important. A large pupil betrays nervousness and a weak willpower. The more the serious kilometres which have to be flown, the less such pigeons are found at the front when the performances really have to be fought for. That’s why I don’t like to introduce pigeons with large pupils into my stock. They don’t have enough fighting mentality and that is exactly what they need to win big races. The majority of Ace pigeons also have a small pupil. Ace pigeons for me are winners on all fronts between the 100 and 750 km. You find the most big pupils between the good sprint pigeons. Sprint pigeons are not really forced to regularly push themselves to the limit. To fight to the end. Here it is about totally other things: speed, intelligence and of course a great deal of preparation from the trainer-pigeon fancier. Te further the distance, the more the quality of the pigeon has an influence. Without power, supple muscles and mordant, no pigeon wins a race of 650 km with 1100 m.p.m. Small pupils are therefore of great importance to me. When I judge a pigeon eye it is always under the same conditions: at my desk with a halogen lamp for light. Then the conditions are always identical and the eyes can always be judged properly. I regularly move the head of the pigeon away from the light and I don’t like to see the pupils enlarge enormously straight away. Pupils should be small in under any conditions. Pupils which remain the same size I consider to be no good for breeding or racing.

Here you also have the exception to the rule of course, but it is no use being tempted to alter your breeding methods by the exceptions. It would be like leaving all the doors open in case Lady Luck decided to pay a visit. And the chance of that happening is very small, believe me...

