
In the early 1890's, it was said that Hansenne used a cross of Derouard blood which produced his reds.  This cross was apparently not successful, however, and was eliminated.  Before dealing with the Hansennes as we know of  them in Britain.  I would like to mention a visit to the lofts of M. Dardenne of Vervier by the Lancashire Social Circle in 1926.  They had with them an interpreter M. Jules Maesenaere of Zarren, Belgium.  That was the first time the now well know Maesenaere acted in that capacity for them.  What a grand fellow he was indeed.  Many had a good fortune to be there that year and together with friend Bob Dunn, they went through the birds, picking out bird after bird that was a typical Hansenne.  

Dardenne quickly noticed that they were very interested in one particular type of bird when Mr. Gilbert, the president, told him (with the assistance of Maesenaere) that they were both Hansenne men, he was delighted.  Leaving the rest of the party in the care of Maesenare and the loftman, he took Bob and his friend together with M. Henry Martens of Toulet Clock fame to act as interpreter into the loft containing some 30 pigeons. 

