
Congratulations to you all.

On Oct 10, 2021, at 9:05 AM, David Meyers <> wrote:

Team Gurnay –
  I apologize for this getting out late – I had some family business to take care of, and then playing tag with Alan untll we had it right!!
9 birds were released…6 birds homed on the day!  The 2021 GURNAY USA FUTURITY came to a fruitful conclusion!!  
Released near the historic city of Harrisburg, PA – the capitol of the Keystone State – the birds avoided the Amish, the kids eating chocolate at Hershey Park, and raptor’s now migrating over Hawk Mountain, to arrive back at Clayhaven Farms.  Attached is the Futurity Results.  For those not wanting to flip through old e-mail:
102 and 101 are Larry Cook's bird's
77 is David Meyers’ 
26 Jay Sullivan's
76 is David Meyers’
5 is Alan Dyar's
What the heck Larry is breeding, I don’t know…but I need to get me some of that!
As in the past, pay out is computed as follows:  Prizes will be paid by clocking order.  30%, 20%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%.   Since only 6 birds homed, the final 10% will go back to the Club for next year’s pot.
Congratulations to those that participated – Larry is the man of the hour, for sure! 
For those that want their birds back – please contact Donnie.

