- Membership Competition Requirements - Club Level Competition

 4.01 The AU will recognize as an AU race, competitions in which race birds are entered by two (2) individual AU members with two (2) separate surveyed loft locations.* (6/20 Effective 2021) Within the scope of this rule all of the members need not clock birds in the particular competition for it to be declared as being official. Separate loft location is defined as a loft which has a separate surveyed location with at least ten (10) feet of separation from another member’s loft location. An individual AU member is defined as either an individual member or partnership whose birds are registered and countermarked to compete in a particular event sponsored by an AU-affiliated organization. Under this rule and for the purposes of determining a count for official race status, a partnership (regardless of the number of members in the partnership) constitutes one (1) member. *(See section 4.03 governing more than one team from the same loft.)

