Gurnay Futurity Loft Race Team

For those below:

There are 7 (Seven) race birds in the loft right now:


John Schmueckle:

                                GURNAY 2023 121

                                GURNAY 2023 122

                                GURNAY 2023 123

                                GURNAY 2023 124   

                                GURNAY 2023 127

                                GURNAY 2023 128


Larry Marshall      GURNAY 2023 82

                                GURNAY 2023 83

                                GURNAY 2023 84

                                GURNAY 2023 85


Larry Cook:           GURNAY 2023 91

                                GURNAY 2023 92

                                GURNAY 2023 93

                                GURNAY 2023 94


Alan Dyar:             GURNAY 2023 01

                                GURNAY 2023 02  

                                GURNAY 2023 06

                                GURNAY 2023 10


Stan Hullender     GURNAY 2023 13

                                GURNAY 2023 14


Bruce Kuhlman    GURNAY 2023 105

                               GURNAY 2023 106


Team – I am following the weather pretty closely.  Today, one big storm swirling around and hitting me from the northwest.  We had rain all day yesterday, and high winds on Wednesday – so, your birds have been in the loft.

By 7 am tomorrow, proposed race day, it is supposed to be moving out to the northeast and the day will be sunny/partly cloudy, wind gusts up to 15 mph and a headwind out of the ENE. 

However…  There is another storm, expected to be even worse, coming in on Sunday lasting thru morning, Monday, that is bringing with it some heavy winds.

I could take the birds out in-between storms, and hope for the best and that they all show up on the Day Of Race…but, I don’t have that much faith!

Looking ahead, Thursday is going to be ideal – clear, light winds from Hico to here – and no storms the day before or after. 

Therefore, since I’m the man driving and timing and celebrating or crying…I am moving the race to Thursday, 28 March.

If you have questions – you can call…817 586.6509.




