From The MOIST ENVIRONS Of Our President!!

 Gurnay team, the race is on as long as David can get at least 24 birds in the race. Let's really get behind this and support the efforts of our members, especially David. The bonds will be printed and will be $50.00 each. The birds must be banded with Gurnay USA bands. I have a limited number of bands because I wasn't sure how this was going when I ordered them. COVID was running rampant at the time. The bands are registered to me, and I will do my best to see that you get what you need. The dues are still $20.00 per year. and should be paid before any bands are purchased. Please send me your dues so we can keep our club healthy. If you have questions, please call me at 530 598-6245. Enough for now! 

Yours in Sport, Alan

 Alan & Carol Dyar

 504 Karen Court SE

 Rainier, WA 98576

 530 598-6245

