Don’t only look at a pigeon eye perpendicular, but also from behind or from front from the side of the beak. Looking from the side allows you to see the rugged surface of the iris better. It should look somewhat granular, that’s what I like best. If you were to put 100 classy pigeons together, then three quarters will definitely answer to what I have written about. Take note: I am talking about classy pigeons, because that’s what our sights are set on aren’t they?? The rest are also good pigeons, but belong to the category exceptions for me. And I have worked out a few times that it would be much cheaper for me to work with inside information than with exceptions. Yet the remaining 25% also performed exceptionally well and that indicates that those pigeons possess enough other characteristics to be able to reach the top of the classifications. And that proves that we shouldn’t only concentrate blindly on one and the same characteristic like most English fanciers do with the there applicable eye theory and so as Vanderschelden who wanted to impress the wing therapy on the fanciers at the time. Take note that every theory is peppered with good elements. They are the icing on the cake, and the more icing on the cake, the more customers will come and eat in the restaurant!
If an eye is filled with those red coloured clouds, then it is a certain indication to the wealth of blood in that eye. This has nothing to do with the granular pigment, but is a result of the very thin blood vessels showing up on the surface. The result is that the iris, which would normally be another colour, now has a blood red colour. Here also I like to see that the colour covers the entire iris. The degree of covering and the characteristic colour displays theblood supply, which again is related to the total blood supply of the whole body. If the colours and the granularity match the surface of a much used pallete of an artist, then we can presume that everything is well. And that the rest of the blood supply in the rest of the body is the same.
On the whole it gives an indication of the natural form of a pigeon. Of the vitality, which lies at the basis of the performance capability. I like strong eyes which remain the same colour and pigment all year round. That is an indication of the natural vitality. And this belongs to a type of pigeon which is very easy to get into form and keep there.
I stick by the fact that a good blood supply is responsible for a basis vitality and for retaining a constant form during the racing season. The majority of the champion pigeons I am given to judge had strong eyes. Can I say that the majority is in control?? And may I, during discussions, react strongly when the importance of the quality of the eye is dismissed?
The degree of form and vitality depends on the wealth of blood in the total organism. When a pigeon comes into form it is through thesuddenly improved blood circulation in the body. The easiest way to control this is via the eyes. Look at a pigeon which has come home a few days too late after a super tough race. the total organism is extremely tired. Agree?? If you then look into this pigeon’s eyes all the colours have disappeared. Agree?? And then you could logically make the link between the degree of the blood supply to the body and the deep colours of the eyes?? Agree??
And the light grey eyes of the Janssen pigeons then? In principle most of the Janssen pigeons are created for the shorter races. For this, other characteristics are more important. Characteristics so as character, intelligence and speed. These short races are over in the blink of an eye and the pigeons are only in the air for a few hours. In that case issues closely related to the vitality are not of great importance.
We have just discussed the Vermeyen-ring and talked in detail over the pupil and the iris. There just remains the ring which can often be seen between pupil and iris: the circle of adaptation. The circle of authenticity is often grey or black and is full, half or quarter circle. Sometimes in real circle form and sometimes with deep star shaped notches in the iris. Based on the various manifestations, many fanciers are of the meaning that they can derive various characteristics from this. There has been a great deal of discussion over the circle of adaptation. Over the importance. Over the form. And over the colour. And I have to say that there is some truth in this, but also a life-sized falsehood. I that it is more of a pedigree related characteristic. The old De Smet-Matthijs pigeons had this. The Meulemans pigeons to.
Arrived early and in perfect condition. I have 8 favorites.
The Alexander Hansenne is indeed a remarkable Racing Pigeon Strain. Dr Willaim Anderson in his book "The Sport of Racing Pigeons" 1947 writes extensively about this outstanding Fancier. I luck to have an original copy of the book. Need i say i myself have of the Bronze chequers in my stock loft Well wishes to you
Hello Dale, Donnie & Pam
Firstly, I would like to thank Dale for his persistence yesterday. Both
Linda and I were so sorry that your crossing was so difficult.
Originally, you texted me that you would wait for us---so of course we
would wait for you!!
We had a very pleasant return home with clear roads etc. But were
extremely tired and went to bed early!! I am extremely happy with the
selection of birds you sent even the replacement for 20512.
It was a pleasure dealing with the Zehr family. I spent time with the
birds in the garage last night and today speaking "Zehr Sion" to them.
Think they understood---at least until they learn "Trini Sion". Lol!!!
Thank you all once again.
Wishing you all and your families a very Happy Holiday Season!!!
Dave and Linda
The 3 birds arrived this morning in Aurora, Colorado safe and sound. Thanks. We'll do business again!!
Hello. We received the two boxes today with the four Hansenne pigeons. Arrived in excellent condition.
She is SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Thank you guys for looking out for me. Can’t say enough about how much I love the bird and birds you have sent me.
Thank you so much, i got the bird! He's so beautiful, pin tail apple body, nice wing :)
Hello there, My name is Mike and live in Az, I had racing pigeons when I was young and now Im not young haha 61, Semi retired and determined to move to a place where I can fly birds again, want to get my grandkids involved. Anyway as a kid I flew some Sions and really enjoyed your website. When Im ready would love to get a few Sions again and see how they do. Any advice for an old newbie? lol
Hey Donnie, Saw your Birds on Ipigeon and must say, those are some Beautiful Heitzmans. They are very true to what I called the real thing. Beautiful Hansennes as well. Take Care, Chuck
I have placed the pigeon recieved from you recently in a priority express shipment back to you in same box recieved. Bird was beautiful and healthy but we realized it’s nature is such that it needs to fly and be a racing pigeon. We can’t offer that life to it and realize it was a mistake to try this based on our situation
Bird has had not been outside and has been confined indoors in isolation since recieved.
Please give it the home it deserves.
Appreciate the care you took getting it to us!!!
Need some color on my team. Had some sion couple years ago when i had a partner who sick and could not care for his own birds. He liked sions so i bought some from you on We alot of fun his sions against my team .He has since past on. His family called me and thanked me for letting fly with me he really looked forward race day. HE WON EVERY WEEK
Thank you guys so much for allowing me the opportunity to love these birds.