Sion Strain

The Sion strain of long distance pigeons holds a allowed place in the pantheon of the world's greatest families of the thoroughbreds of the sky.  And like much that is good in Europe, came out of the culture of France, Paul Sion, its originator, started in the sport in approximately 1895 and in due course set his mark.  In fact, what he produced crossed more national boundaries throughout the world and became the source of much joy and rewards to countless fanciers.  

To quote one eminent authority, A.H. Osamn: "This man has won more prizes in one season than many fanciers win a lifetime."  Yes, Paul Sion who was later to be assisted by his son, Robert, truly exceeded (perhaps) his expectations wen after becoming a fancier he adopted Luis Salembier as his teacher, the latter being one of the great French distance pigeoneers for 50 years at that time.  Sion admitted in 1935 that he belonged to the Luis Salembier school.  


