Phone Call

Hi Donnie;

Since we spoke yesterday morning, I have spent more time looking thru the birds you have posted for sale and their pedigrees. I am quite interested in acquiring some of your Sions, either as breeders or perhaps a YB kit in the spring.

People have preferences when it comes to everything from politics to toothpicks. When it comes to pigeons, I prefer birds without white in their plumage. I have 121 birds and only 8 of them have one or more white flights. Some of those 8 are also pied. My wife's birds are of mixed strains and she has lots of grizzles, whites, white flights and splashes. I don't. Mine are all BB, BC, Silvers, or RC.  I spotted several appealing birds on your site that appeared to be void of white plumage, but when I looked at their pedigrees, I noted that the pedigrees were sprinkled with white flights or splashes. While the bird being pedigreed may be void of white, it still carries the white gene. Although I admit to having 8 birds with white flights, I try to keep those genes buried deep so I don't get too much white in my birds. Hawks seem to zero in on the white plumage and we have lots of hawks.

I shall continue to monitor your postings


