How Much Does A Racing Pigeon Cost?

Pigeon racing is perhaps one of the most bizarre and fascinating sports that the World has to offer.

Pitting homing pigeons against one another in a race to return home the fastest is an interesting and surprisingly exciting event.

It’s not surprising that the sport has gained massive worldwide attention, and even earned itself multiple major competitive scenes.

However, because of this immense popularity and widespread attention, the cost of entering the sport, and getting ahold of a well-trained pigeon is quite considerable.

In recent years, racing pigeons have sold for well in excess of $1,500,000! This is an insane price for birds that are usually seen by the general public to be a menace or a nuisance.

However, these high-cost racing pigeons are usually purebred, and come from well-trusted breeders, or are related in some way to previous race-winning pigeons!

Luckily, this means it is entirely possible to get your hands on your own racing pigeon! Some racing pigeons can be bought for as low as $100, and still provide impressive performance at the races.

After all, a large degree of the racing skill of pigeons comes from good training and discipline!

