Eighty years ago a carrier pigeon performed the act of "heroism" that saw it awarded the animal's equivalent of the Victoria Cross - the Dickin Medal. It was the first of of dozens of animals honoured by veterinary charity PDSA during World War II.
On 23 February 1942, a badly damaged RAF bomber ditched into the North Sea.
The crew were returning from a mission over Norway, but their Beaufort Bomber had been hit by enemy fire and crashed into the sea more than 100 miles from home.
Struggling in freezing waters - unable to radio an accurate position back to base - the four men faced a cold and lonely death.
But as the aircraft went down, the crew had managed to salvage their secret weapon - a carrier pigeon. The blue chequered hen bird, called Winkie, was set free in the hope it could fly home to its loft in Broughty Ferry, near Dundee, and so alert air base colleagues to their predicament.
During World War II, carrier pigeons were routinely carried by RAF bombers for this very eventuality, though in an era before GPS and satellite locator beacons, rescue was far from certain.
But Winkie did make it home, after flying 120 miles, and was discovered, exhausted and covered in oil by owner George Ross who immediately informed RAF Leuchars in Fife.
The pigeon was not carrying a message, but the RAF were able to calculate the position of the downed aircraft using the time difference between the plane's ditching and the arrival of the bird - taking into account the wind direction and even the impact of the oil on Winkie's feathers to her flight speed.
A rescue mission was launched and the men were found within 15 minutes.
Elaine Pendlebury, from the PDSA, said the carrier pigeon had been released as a "last ditch stand" when the crew realised they had no other options.
"I find it very, very moving really. These people would have died without this pigeon message coming through," said Ms Pendlebury.
Winkie became the toast of the air base, with a dinner held in her honour. A year later, she became the first animal to receive the Dickin Medal - named after PDSA's founder Maria Dickin - for "delivering a message under exceptional difficulties".
More than 60 animals have since received the award, including 18 dogs, three horses and one cat. But pigeons still rule the medal roost, with 32 being given medals, all between 1943 and 1949.
Arrived early and in perfect condition. I have 8 favorites.
The Alexander Hansenne is indeed a remarkable Racing Pigeon Strain. Dr Willaim Anderson in his book "The Sport of Racing Pigeons" 1947 writes extensively about this outstanding Fancier. I luck to have an original copy of the book. Need i say i myself have of the Bronze chequers in my stock loft Well wishes to you
Hello Dale, Donnie & Pam
Firstly, I would like to thank Dale for his persistence yesterday. Both
Linda and I were so sorry that your crossing was so difficult.
Originally, you texted me that you would wait for us---so of course we
would wait for you!!
We had a very pleasant return home with clear roads etc. But were
extremely tired and went to bed early!! I am extremely happy with the
selection of birds you sent even the replacement for 20512.
It was a pleasure dealing with the Zehr family. I spent time with the
birds in the garage last night and today speaking "Zehr Sion" to them.
Think they understood---at least until they learn "Trini Sion". Lol!!!
Thank you all once again.
Wishing you all and your families a very Happy Holiday Season!!!
Dave and Linda
The 3 birds arrived this morning in Aurora, Colorado safe and sound. Thanks. We'll do business again!!
Hello. We received the two boxes today with the four Hansenne pigeons. Arrived in excellent condition.
She is SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Thank you guys for looking out for me. Can’t say enough about how much I love the bird and birds you have sent me.
Thank you so much, i got the bird! He's so beautiful, pin tail apple body, nice wing :)
Hello there, My name is Mike and live in Az, I had racing pigeons when I was young and now Im not young haha 61, Semi retired and determined to move to a place where I can fly birds again, want to get my grandkids involved. Anyway as a kid I flew some Sions and really enjoyed your website. When Im ready would love to get a few Sions again and see how they do. Any advice for an old newbie? lol
Hey Donnie, Saw your Birds on Ipigeon and must say, those are some Beautiful Heitzmans. They are very true to what I called the real thing. Beautiful Hansennes as well. Take Care, Chuck
I have placed the pigeon recieved from you recently in a priority express shipment back to you in same box recieved. Bird was beautiful and healthy but we realized it’s nature is such that it needs to fly and be a racing pigeon. We can’t offer that life to it and realize it was a mistake to try this based on our situation
Bird has had not been outside and has been confined indoors in isolation since recieved.
Please give it the home it deserves.
Appreciate the care you took getting it to us!!!
Need some color on my team. Had some sion couple years ago when i had a partner who sick and could not care for his own birds. He liked sions so i bought some from you on pigeonauction.com. We alot of fun his sions against my team .He has since past on. His family called me and thanked me for letting fly with me he really looked forward race day. HE WON EVERY WEEK
Path: https://www.clayhavenfarms.com/pigeons/for-sale
Thank you guys so much for allowing me the opportunity to love these birds.