From The desk oF el presidenT…el jeFe grande!!!

 Team Gurnay – Carol and I are finally settled in enough to get some pigeons flying, meet the local club members, and get my breeders together. It is a different sort of environment for the birds, but I’m confident that they’ll do as well here as they did in California. I have GURNAY bands. I have AU and IF bands. They are .75 cents a band, and it will be first come, first served. I have @200 AU bands, but those are also my bands – so, they’re not all leaving Rainier. 2022 GURNAY USA CLUB dues. Because of the rising cost of everything over the past few years, I am going to ask that the dues rise to meet inflation. $20.00 a year to help defray costs. We are going to re-affiliate formally with the AU. I would like some input on whether we continue affiliation with the IF (due to the low number of flyers actually competing in IF clubs). The current AU GURNAY bands are my personal bands, but I want these going back to being a club band. 2022 GURNAY USA FUTURITY. While Don has graciously agreed to host again if we have no other takers, one of the reasons we started this Futurity was to get the birds to different areas of the United States in order to test them north and south, east and west, and somewhere in between. In the last ten years, we’ve flown from Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Washington State, and New York. Obviously – multiple times from a few of those areas. This year, we had the lowest number of birds shipped to the Futurity in that same decade. The Futurity is a little bit of work – but we need more birds to make this productive, competitive, and to keep the Gurnay gene pool clicking. David Meyers has agreed to host it in 2023 – and I’ll probably pick it up in 2024 – but how about one of you other long-time members raising your hand for this year? CALL ME – 530 598.6245. RACING PIGEON DIGEST. Do we have a volunteer or two, that would like to provide input for some articles? I’ll get David to clean them up as necessary, and I’ll send them on to Gene. If you are flying your Gurnay with your club, we would love to hear about it. I don’t care if they’re topping the winner’s list – the fact that we have Gurnay actively competing is worth sharing. If you know someone who might be interested in joining this club – and getting involved with the Gurnay – please let me know, share this Newsletter, and welcome them to join. The price is small – the rewards are great. Alan & Carol Dyar 504 Karen Court SE Rainier, WA 98576 530 598-6245 AU or IF Bands - .75 cents apiece. Please include an extra $1.00 for mailing.

