Birmingham Roller

The Birmingham Roller Pigeon originates from England. In fact, as the name suggests, it comes from Birmingham. It is actually one of the more popular roller pigeons on this list.

The Birmingham Roller’s coloring is very similar to that of the Rock Pigeon. So, you can clearly tell that the main reason why this breed was developed was for those rolling aspects as opposed to just being another beautiful bird.

Although, don’t get me wrong, this is still a bird that looks absolutely stunning when it is up there in the air.

One of the main reasons why the Birmingham Roller is such a popular roller pigeon is down to the fact that it looks stunning when it rolls.

It is so fast and ever so smooth. If you have a few Birmingham Roller pigeons flying in formation, then you are going to get an epic show.

There is a reason why there is over 10,000 known breeders of the Birmingham Roller in the world. if you want a roller pigeon, then this absolutely is going to be the one that you go for. There is nothing better out there.

