In the last 10 years, this has been the biggest problem in young birds from 6-9 months in age. Up to 70% can be infected and show the symptoms. The disease is a combination of an Adeno-Virus, which opens the way for the suddenly aggressive E-Coli bacteria, often a Circo Virus is also involved. The same symptoms can be seen in Paramyxovirus, however in that case the pigeons drink more and may have some central nervous problem, like twisting of the head. Although there is no known cure for Adeno and Circo Virus. Several of the products shown below, have proven somewhat effective.

Symptoms of Adeno-Coli Syndrom:
Decreased appetite
Clear watery droppings with small fecal
matter in cent
Rapid loss of weight.
Dying in matter of days.
Although the below listed problem is not common, it can occur when certain condition are right and should not be overlooked, as it is generally done

Products for Cure:
Belg-Amco (Belgica-DeWeerd)
4 in 1 Mix (Belgica-DeWeerd)
Dacoxine 4 in 1 (DAC)
To prevent dehydration that the 4 in 1
is mixed with the following product.
Belgasol (Belgica-DeWeerd)

